Sandy: I saw it fly at a height where it looked like a fast-moving orange-and-black speck in the sky. The wing-flapping wasn't anywhere near furious, but every flap propelled it further ahead with amazing thrust. I managed a shot, and later identified it as a Shaheen Falcon (Falco peregrinus peregrinator). Since then I have enjoyed multiple sightings of the bird as it zipped past or perched on trees high up with no intention of leaving the place for a long time.
Arun: There is a lot of confusion between the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus calidus) and the Shaheen Falcon among newbie birders, despite the fact that both are quite distinctive in appearance. The different naming conventions followed by guidebooks and websites only deepen the confusion. Grimmett and Inskipp refers to both races as the Peregrine Falcon, while differentiating them as two sub-species. Salim Ali and Rishad Naoroji list them as two species.

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A Shaheen shows off its wingspan near Bangalore |
Text and Photographs: Sandeep Somasekharan and Arun Menon